Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The changing of the leaves.

  With the summer nights cooling down and the color of the leaves starting to change I can't help but turn my thoughts to the harvest.  The corn ready to be striped from the stock and the squash tender on the vine.  Even the smell of the air brings with it the farmers doing the fall burning to prepare for winter.  Living in Cache Valley is delight in the fall.  The aroma of the fields, the cooler air and the beautiful colors of the mountain sides.  This valley truly has been blessed with fertile soil.  For many generations, the residents here have enjoyed the gifts of this rich dirt.  I can imagine the early settlers digging, tilling and harrowing this wonderful valley floor. Oh the heritage of this great place!  This blog will be a tribute to the forefathers of this Cache Valley and an invitation to just dig it.